“It’s Totally Insane. Someone Made A Million On Dogecoin With His Stimulus Check”
New Report Shows that Murders are Soaring in Democrat-Controlled Urban Centers
Steve Scalise: We Must Force a Debate and Vote to End Infanticide
Spent $6.5 Billion on ‘Unused,’ ‘Abandoned’ and ‘Destroyed’ Infrastructure in Afghanistan
Biden Regime Breaks Another Campaign Promise, Seizes 260-Year-Old Texas Ranch Along Border
Brazil’s New Jesus Statue Will Surpass Height of Rio’s Iconic Christ the Redeemer
Iran Releases Christian Convert Imprisoned for ‘Membership in Evangelistic Group’
LOWERING THE BAR: 51 West Point Cadets are Caught Cheating but Will Be Allowed to Remain in Academy
. . . MTG to Introduce Resolution to Expel ‘Danger to Our Society’ Maxine Waters From Congress!
Media Outlet Gets Dragged For Oversampling Democrats In Poll To Prop Up Biden’s Approval Rating
‘I Cannot Blame Them’: CNN Fake News Finally Covers BLM Battering Crew, Defends Violence