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RFK JRs BRILLIANT FOREIGN POLICY SPEECH by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T18:36:00
Sound Of Freedom Movie To Open Eyes On Global Child Trafficking; Rotten Tomatoes Give High Scores by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T17:23:00
ARE NUKES REALLY LONG TERM EXISTENTIALLY TOXIC ? by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T16:29:00
Judge Doughty issued an important 155 page ruling in the matter of Missouri v. Biden today, July 4 by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T15:38:00
Black Fathers shouldn’t have to pay child support — California Reparations Task Force calls for elimination of child support debt for black residents because nation’s laws have torn African American families apart by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T14:46:00
The Duran by silver fox at 2023-07-04T13:49:00
We have entered the final stage: Ukraine’s military leadership went to the Rivne nuclear power plant – Russia: “They prepared a dirty nuclear bomb” by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T12:00:00
Declaration of Independence 1776 by Kestrel at 2023-07-04T11:00:00
Great 4th of July Message by Chartsmaster at 2023-07-04T10:39:00
What if a Biden goes to prison instead of Trump? by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T10:30:00
Raymond J. de Souza: Canada is systematically erasing its national heroes by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T10:28:00
College Professor Reprimanded for Gloating about ‘Woke’ Agenda, Failing Student for Using ‘Biological Woman’ by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T10:26:00
Bringing the Military-Industrial Complex to Heel; RFK Jr.’s foreign policy speech is in the vein of Madison, Eisenhower, and JFK by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T10:23:00
You can almost smell the feet burning as they are held closer and closer to the fire – “Ivermectin was unlawfully blocked by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T10:07:00
AN INDEPENDENCE DAY MESSAGE FROM JEFF CHILDERS by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-04T09:54:00
New daily and intermediate cycle has just started in the miners by PK at 2023-07-04T09:28:00
Electric Vehicle Fires Are So Hard To Put Out, It’s Often Best To Let Them Burn by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T09:27:00
USA – Rep. Comer: Biden Influence Peddling Is ‘Organized Crime’ – BIDEN BRIBERY CURRENTLY STANDS AT $17M – NEWSMAX by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T09:23:00
RUSSIA – “Rather than shutting down the internet, users will be targeted.” The Kremlin scales back its “sovereign Runet” plans by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T09:19:00
Yellen’s Trip To China by Chartsmaster at 2023-07-04T09:16:00
FRANCE – 1,000 Buildings Burnt, 5,600 Vehicles Destroyed, 3,300 Arrests in First Week of France Riots by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T09:14:00
Ukrainian Forces Are Using Internationally-Banned Scatter Mines by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T09:10:00
UK COVID Inquiry Reveals Just How Vast International Communist Conspiracy May Be by Kewl2 at 2023-07-04T09:08:00
back to the Lower 48 by GoldBalloon at 2023-07-04T03:05:00
Doctors Hunt for Clues Behind Rise of Mysterious Neurological Condition Striking Young People by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-03T23:56:00
Alex Jones 2.0 Unfiltered and on Fire by Farmer at 2023-07-03T22:57:00
confessions-of-an-engineered-nanoparticle by pedro_deleon at 2023-07-03T22:49:00
The Sound of Freedom follow-up by GoldBalloon at 2023-07-03T20:37:00
THE FALL OF MAIN STREAM MEDIA by Fullgoldcrown at 2023-07-03T20:15:00