Recent Goldtent Posts
Latest metals market related posts at Goldtent for your enjoyment…
ONTARI ARY ARY O is the Covidiot Capital of the Western World by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-04-24T18:56:00
Bitcoin by Mike_the_Dreamer at 2021-04-24T17:21:00
SILJ by Mike_the_Dreamer at 2021-04-24T16:44:00
Meet The 40 New Billionaires Who Got Rich Fighting Covid-19 by Kewl2 at 2021-04-24T16:37:00
PLG by Mike_the_Dreamer at 2021-04-24T16:12:00
THE ENEMY by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-04-24T15:14:00
HOW WILL WE KNOW ? by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-04-24T15:07:00
US vaccination sites are closing as demand for Covid shots plummets – despite less than 28% of the population being fully inoculated by Kewl2 at 2021-04-24T14:37:00
Poof and gone by Highroller at 2021-04-24T14:32:00
DXY by Mike_the_Dreamer at 2021-04-24T13:16:00
GLD/GDX Ratio by Mike_the_Dreamer at 2021-04-24T10:46:00
KUNSTLER by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-04-24T09:29:00
PLEASE WAIT HERE by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-04-24T09:00:00
MIT researchers say you’re no safer from Covid indoors at 6 feet or 60 feet by Kewl2 at 2021-04-24T02:03:00
THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-04-23T22:40:00
A PATHWAY FORWARD by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-04-23T22:16:00
Copper by Mike_the_Dreamer at 2021-04-23T21:00:00
GDX — what’s up with -3.525% headline decline after hours when supporting data doesn’t match? by Kewl2 at 2021-04-23T20:01:00
Here it comes: Pit one group against another by Columbia at 2021-04-23T19:42:00